
The Program

The Ladies of Hope Ministries (The LOHM) has created a visionary legislative policy advocacy program to address policies that harm people who have been arrested/incarcerated and their families. EPIC is a powerful opportunity to unify incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women, and those impacted by the criminal justice system to work collectively on social justice causes. The program will teach women who have been impacted by incarceration to advocate and create legislative policies focused on ending poverty.

The EPIC Ambassadors Fellowship will provide training, strategic guidance, and support of relevant policy analysis and implementation. The Ambassadors will work to change and promote reforms in their respective states.

Meet the Fellows

a woman sitting on a chair and writing on a notepad

Apply to be a Fellow

Eligible Applicants

  • Systems-impacted individuals, which include those who have been confined in a jail, prison, or detention camp, those with arrests and/or convictions but no incarceration, and those with only a juvenile record or foster care system
  • Women ages 25 and older
  • Located in Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin

This is a six-month paid fellowship. Ambassadors will be selected based on their submission materials, experience, and program fit. If you fit the above criteria, we strongly encourage you to apply!


Stay tuned for when applications open back up!

If you have any questions about the EPIC Ambassadors Fellowship Program, please feel free to reach out to epicprogram@thelohm.org.

You can also help us recruit Ambassadors by sharing information about the program today!