Career Ready Fellowship
Pathways for Equity Program: unlocking career pathways for women impacted by the criminal legal system

If you are a justice-impacted woman 50+ years old, you are encouraged to apply.
New for 2025
The Ladies of Hope Ministries (LOHM) invites justice-impacted women 50+ years old to apply for the Pathways 4 Equity (P4E) Career Ready Fellowship!
We are excited to collaborate with the Next50 Foundation to provide career planning services for women who are 50+ years old. This initiative is designed to address the issues of ageism in the workplace and fair-chance employment for women impacted by the criminal justice system.
The Fellowship is offered two times per year; Spring (Feb-June) and Fall (Aug-Dec). The women selected will participate in a fellowship designed to prepare them for careers with employers. The fellowship consists of weekly personal and professional refinement workshops, career-level resume writing and interviewing, individualized career planning, coaching and mentoring to pursue new career pathways.
Fellowship Overview
Phase 1:
Personal & Professional
Refinement Workshops
Phase 2:
Customized Career Planning
Job Search Assistance
Phase 3:
Career Transition Support
Educational Resources
Meet the Fellows
Frequently Asked Questions
about the Career Ready Fellowship Track

Our Champions